What's done is done, I don't wanna talk about it

Publiserat 2014-08-25 21:17:17 i Randoms,

Evening. How are we? I'm good. Tired, and with a slight hint of an headache, but good. Sitting in the kitchen lazying around as per usual. The workday went by surpringly fast actually, despite me being the most tired woman in Oslo (probably), so I suppose that can be called the positive part of this Monday. That and the fact that we got a new wifi today, and I got another closet (Patricia got one too). He can if he want to, our landlord.

Yeah and...no actually I don't think I had a whole lot more to say. I'm gonna talk to Natalie now. Have a nice evening folks and at least try to get to bed at a decent hour (I never frickin manage). We will talk tomorrow.


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