Smile because it happened

Publiserat 2014-04-03 16:33:33 i Randoms,

Afternoon fools. How are we? I am tired and look like I have played in the sand, which I in fact have, but really good. Work was awesome, the children where oh so small and oh so cute and that makes up for all being tired in the world. Still looking forward to a shower and a nap though, I'm not gonna lie about that (really didn't want to believe that it was true when I heard the alarm at six fifteen this morning). Yeah and for now that was it. I'm getting of the metro (or whatever one should call it) now and going almost straight home (just need some small stuff in the store). Talk later. Sofia out.


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Svorsk by popular demand. twitter: @EmmaSofiaNilsen Instagram: @Sofia Nilsen